A Birthday Gift

In a fit of rage, Pravin accidentally hurts his sister. She becomes upset with him and stops talking to him. In order to make her happy again, he fulfills his sister’s desire and gives her a birthday gift worth remembering. In that process, he learns a few lessons and develops an understanding about his sister.

First Time Writer Story

Writer: Priyanka R.

In a fit of rage, Pravin accidentally hurts his sister. She becomes upset with him and stops talking to him. In order to make her happy again, he fulfills his sister’s desire and gives her a birthday gift worth remembering. In that process, he learns a few lessons and develops an understanding about his sister.

This is a non-sexual story with no romance involved.

Disclaimer: The copyright for this story belongs to our reader ‘Priyanka R’.

Please write your comments and feedback here to encourage the new writer. No email or login required to comment.

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Note: Images here are used for illustration purpose only to express the women hidden inside us. No copyright violation intended. Images will be removed upon request.

Author: priyankaratni

I m normal straight CD.

27 thoughts on “A Birthday Gift”

  1. Welcome to the ICN writers club Priyanka. It was a nice story with an emotional touch towards the end. I always feel good after reading any brother-sister story. The fights between a brother and sister were realistic, and I could easily imagine such a thing happening.


    1. Thank u so much shruti di…yes I always saw a brother and sister fight…but they always have strong bonding.. and that’s why brother will always do anything for make her sister happy..
      Thank u again..

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Lovely story dear. Would have loved to read more sweet sister brother conversation. But overall a great start for the first time. You have a good grasp over the language.


    1. @aarohi ji, thanks for the complement…. will get some conversation like this.. also like to thanks Anupama ji for posting the story on ICN..


  3. Read the second part also…….better than the first……engrossing and the end creates a suspense……can not wait to read the third part…..but have to leave for office …….will read it in the evening…….luv, hugs and kisses……Kajal


  4. Read the third part also……..and really enjoyed the story……..a simple story told so well…….very entertaining……..every thing in the story seems possible…….excellent I must say……very well done……luv, hugs and kisses…..Kajal


  5. Fabulous. How I wish I had a sister like Neha didi. Luv the way in which you have brought out the vulnerability that all girls including us face in the real world.


    1. Devika when are we getting the balance parts of THANK YOU BHABHI and WOH DHAI SAAL……..luv,hugs and kisses…..Kajal


  6. Nice and well written story sister. You also looking great in pictures. Which app do you use for face change. I use faceart.


  7. This is my humble request to all the writers of icn, specially core members, please share anything related to crossdressing.
    What a silence !! No story,no article .


    1. I am thinking may be we non-members can start sharing some incidents that has occurred in our life in the comments
      It is true that not only some new post or story, we even come back to view a new comment, be it by anyone.
      Well, can’t force anyone as everyone has got there real lives too. This fantasy world can take over that real world.

      So, I believe we can come up with some ideas to enjoy in this wonderland of Alice

      Hope, I make sense. Anyone have any suggestion, please do share.



      1. अंजली दी, आपकी बात भी सही है कि इन दिनों हम सभी अपने व्यक्तिगत जीवन में इतना उलझ गए हैं कि समय का अभाव सा हो गया है।लेकिन हमको ये भी नहीं भूलना चाहिए कि ये icn एक ऐसा स्थान है जहां हम कुछ पल हंसी खुशी गुजारते हैं।ऐसे में हमको थोड़ा सा समय निकालना चाहिए।लेकिन आप ये न समझें कि ये कोई आदेश है।ये मेरा एक विनम्र निवेदन है।
        जैसे भूखे पेट भजन नहीं होते,वैसे ही जिंदगी जब जटिल हो जाती है तब ये किस्से कहानियों में मन नहीं लगता।


  8. I really liked it Priyanka. Very nicely written. Wish I had an elder sister like Neha di.
    Nad yes, the way Neha explains her wish to have her brother go out with her to some places… Very nice


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