A Birthday Gift

In a fit of rage, Pravin accidentally hurts his sister. She becomes upset with him and stops talking to him. In order to make her happy again, he fulfills his sister’s desire and gives her a birthday gift worth remembering. In that process, he learns a few lessons and develops an understanding about his sister.

Part 3: The Sister

I took the tiffin from my mom’s hand and used the lift to go to Ritesh’s floor. Once I was at his floor, my mind started planning for another mischief.

I rang the doorbell. When he opened the door, I started acting all girlie and said, “Hi Ritesh.”

“Oh Hi Priya.”, he blushed.

Click here to read all parts of this story

“Mom forgot to give you this tiffin. So, I thought I will come and give this to you.”, I was smiling and working on my mischief. My smile was doing the trick as he was constantly blushing and wasn’t able to keep his eyes up for a long time.

“You know Ritesh, you have been living here for more than 3 years but you never showed me your house. Won’t you show me today?”, I said rolling my saree pallu.

“Oh … yes … sure. It is a bit dirty. I hope you don’t mind.”, he said. He was blushing as if he was talking to a real girl. I had seen him stammer or behave uncomfortable whenever we would talk to some girl in our college.

Then he started showing me the room where he stayed. There was not much there besides books, a mattress, a fan and an electric stove with two or three vessels. He then took me to the balcony and said, “You will definitely like this Priya. The view from here is amazing.”, he felt proud when he said this.

I followed him and walked upto the balcony. I wrapped the saree pallu around my forearm so that it does not fly in the wind that was blowing that night. I couldn’t stop the hair in my wig from blowing though. The view from up there was really nice. I could see the ocean at a distance. We didn’t get this view from our apartment because it was facing on the other side of the building.

Ritesh was standing a few feet apart. Finally he gathered the courage to look at me and said, “I didn’t say this earlier. But you look absolutely beautiful in a saree Priya.”

Damn, he was under the spell of my feminine appearance. Now was the best time to break the spell. I started laughing the way I would as a guy and said to him almost throwing my pallu at him, “Bro … we seriously need to find you a girlfriend. You can’t act so mushy mushy around girls. And I am not even a girl!”

I laughed. Poor guy. Although I have no problems communicating with girls, but I have seen enough guys in my college who would freeze in front of a girl. And Ritesh was one of them. I didn’t want to embarrass him any further. So, I started acting like a guy again. I left after saying good night to him.

After that I went home and went to my bedroom where Neha didi had already changed into her nighty. I quickly removed the pin that held my pallu attached to my blouse and removed the saree. I just took a deep breath and said looking towards didi, “Good bye saree. Welcome night pants!” I just wanted to get back into my regular boy clothes.

“Not so soon dear sister.”, didi said.

“What do you mean, didi?”, I asked.

“I mean do you want to wear a nighty or a salwar suit for the night.”, she said.

“But di …. “, I said.

“No buts. The day isn’t over yet. Since you promised, you need to be my sister until the end of this day. So, what it is going to be, a salwar or a nighty?”, she asked sternly but with a smile.

“Nighty … “, I said reluctantly.

She smiled and jumped out of her bed to find a nighty for me from her cupboard. She took out a nighty for me to wear. I went in bathroom and changed in nighty and came to sleep. The nighty looked really sexy and felt awesome and comfortable to wear. It was not anything like I had worn in my life. I liked it. The open roomie nature of that nighty was very comfortable. It felt a little strange at first when my legs and thighs touched each other because my thighs were usually separated by pants. But overall, I felt that in a single day, I had developed a special appreciation for all the variety of clothes girls wear. Why don’t men have something like that? I wondered. The salwar suit in the morning was like pants and extra long shirt, but the salwar itself was roomie and comfortable. The saree, it just made me look and feel beautiful, it was fun to wear and play with the pallu all evening. Honestly, I didn’t see the benefits of wearing a saree besides feeling beautiful. But I am sure there must be something about it, otherwise millions of women would have stopped wearing it years ago.

While I was thinking about all of these things, one another thought kept coming to my mind. It was about Ritesh. The way he acted and then, complimented on my beauty. It seemed like he was under some kind of hypnosis. He was under the magic of the beautiful girl that was me.

But I was tired from a long day, and I soon fell asleep.

Next morning, as soon as I woke up, I went to the bathroom in the nighty that I was wearing. I briefly thought to myself that I liked this nighty, and I don’t want to get out of it. But the day was over, and my promise made to Neha didi was completed. So, I took it out and took a bath. When I came out wrapping a towel below my waist, I was ready to get back to being a boy again.

But Neha di had other plans. When I got out, I found a pair of salwar suit on the bed waiting for me. Neha di was standing next to it smiling.

“No way … didi. I already fulfilled my promise.”, I said.

“Please Pravin. Just for one more day. I promise I won’t force you again. It is just that I enjoyed having a sister yesterday, and I want to spend a little more time with her. That’s all. Please do this for me brother. I won’t ever ask you again to do this.”, Neha di requested with a lot of love.

Yes, we had a little fun as sisters yesterday. Anyway, I wasn’t going anywhere and I had nothing else to do. So, I agreed. She smiled and helped me get ready. She did my makeup and added accessories and dupatta to the salwar suit I wore. This time she taught me another way to wear a dupatta where it would hang behind from both the shoulders. I liked the look of it in the mirror. Probably it would be easier to handle it than having the whole long dupatta hang on just one shoulder.

“Wow. So Priya is back. Good morning Priya.”, my mom said when we went to the kitchen.

“Yes, mom. My sister is going to be with us for one more day.”, Neha di said with a smile.

My mom seemed happy to see Priya too. “Alright then. If I have two daughters with me, then I should be able to make breakfast for us sooner. Now girls follow my instructions!”, mom said.

Really, we three had so much fun cooking together that morning. I was enjoying the conversations between mom and Neha di. Usually, I wouldn’t even pay attention towards them but today I was participating in that chat. Our chat continued while we had our delicious breakfast.

And then, the doorbell rang.

“Who could that be?”, I said aloud.

“I don’t know. No one was supposed to come this morning.”, mom said.

In a lockdown, the entry to the building was regulated. So we were not sure who would be there.

“Priya, why don’t you go and check.”, didi said.

Though I was dressed as a girl, but being a son, I thought it makes sense that I should see who it was. When I opened the door, it was Ritesh. He was panting as if he came running a long distance.

“Oh … Pra… Priya … I didn’t know you are back again.”, he seemed startled looking at me.

I adjusted my dupatta and then folded my hands. I looked at him sternly, “Come on dude. Why are you panting? What happened?”

“Didn’t you check your email?”, he said.

“No. Why?”, I asked.

“Prof. Mishra sent an email reminding that today is the last day of submitting our course project.”, he said.

“But I thought our college is closed then this project deadline should not matter.”, I got worried too.

“Not according to him. He said that computer science projects can be done from home.”, he looked anxious.

“Damn! We had completed 90% of our work anyway. I think we can manage to finish the rest if we work throughout the day. Did you bring your laptop with you?”, I asked. I got concerned myself.

“Yes.”, he replied.

“Let’s go to my mom’s room. She has a study table there. We will work from there all day.”, I said.

Neha didi had heard our conversation. So she knew not to disturb us today. This won’t be the day she could spend with her little sister.

As soon as I got in that room, I pulled out my dupatta and threw it aside. I didn’t want to spend my time taking care of it when I would be typing on a laptop.

Ritesh and I sat next to each other. I could see my reflection in a dressing table that was in the corner of the room. I looked like a curvy girl sitting next to a boy. I appeared more curvy without the dupatta because the kurti I was wearing was a tight fitting one. The bra created a nice curve around my chest. But there was no time to think about all that.

We both started to work on the programming project. We were facing some problem and our program won’t run. I saw that there was a problem in the program that Ritesh had written.

“Ritesh, you need to fix this line.”, I said to him. But he seemed to be lost looking somewhere. He was once again uncomfortable like he was last night.

“Come on bro. Not again. I am not a girl.”, I said rebuking him.

“I know Pravin. But I couldn’t help but notice your bra strap visible on your shoulders. I am not used to sitting next to a girl showing her bra straps.”, he said.

“You are something Ritesh.”, I said and slipped the bra strap back underneath my kurti. “Is it ok now? Can you pay attention to work now?”, I said angrily.

We must have worked for another half an hour when I saw that Ritesh was still uncomfortable. “Now what?”, I asked him.

“I am sorry Pravin. I know that it is you, a guy, in girls’ clothes. But without the dupatta covering, your chest looks like that of a woman …”, he hesitated to say any further as he pointed towards “my breasts” area that looked really like a girl’s chest in a kurti.

I knew that there is no way Ritesh would be able to work if I am dressed like this. So I got up and went to my room where didi was reading something.

“What happened Priya?”, didi asked.

“Nothing didi. I just need to change and become Pravin again so that I can work with focus. This dupatta, bra, wig, bangles, and everything doesn’t let me focus at my work.”, I said without telling her the truth.

She didn’t say anything as I went to the bathroom to change.

I went back to the room where Ritesh was working. He looked at me and gave a sigh of relief. He said, “Thanks for coming back, dude. Now, we can work with focus and kick the ass of this project. Let’s start coding.”

Ritesh’s whole attitude had changed. He was comfortable the way he used to be with me before yesterday. Things were normal again. And then, we sure kicked the ass of that project that day. We must have worked for 12 hours straight until we finished our work. We barely took out 15-30 minutes that day for eating. Thanks to mom, there was always something on the table for us to eat.

Once the project submission was over, we all had dinner together. After dinner, Ritesh took his tiffin with him that mom prepared for his lunch, and he left for his apartment.

After he left, it was already late. So I went to the bedroom where I saw Neha di was ready to sleep. I looked at my loving sister and said to her, “Didi. I am sorry you didn’t get to spend time with your sister today. I promise I will do it for you again.”

“Don’t worry, brother. You had a project to finish.”, she said comforting me as she came and sat next to me.

“Didi. I wanted to say something to you. In a short time that I spent as a girl, I realized something. While working with Ritesh today earlier in the morning, I realized that men’s eyes keep looking at women’s body. I know that Ritesh was not being a jerk or anything, in fact, he is a gentleman but nonetheless, his eyes were scanning me when I was working without wearing a dupatta. I didn’t feel comfortable on being checked out like that. I realized that girls have to go through such things everyday. I cannot imagine the difficulties girls face when strangers look at them. It must make them feel very uncomfortable.”

I held my didi’s hand in my hands and looked at her. I said to her, “I don’t want to bore you with these things didi. It was just something that came to my heart. But as I promised you, you will have a little sister tomorrow morning.”

My didi looked back at me, and she touched my face and said – “There is no need for that anymore, Pravin. I had the most precious moment with my sister today.”

“When?”, I asked.

“Just now. You shared with me something that only sisters could share with each other. You finally understood a few things I experience. And now you understand, why mom and I insist you to come with me when I have to go to some locations that are not considered safe for women. It is not like I don’t know how to drive a scooty and go to those places, but having my brother on my side, helps me feel safe. You understood something that only my sister would have understood. And that was the most precious moment I could ever had with my sister.”, Neha di said with a lot of love in her eyes.

In less than 48 hours, dressing up as a woman taught me so many things. I wonder what more things I would learn if I do this again and go out.

The End

Uncensored version

The writer Priyanka had shared another longer version of this story where things take a different turn from Part 2 of the story. In that version, Priya falls in love with Ritesh and gets romantically involved with him. If you are interested, you can read that version of the story on wattpad here. We strongly suggest you use your discretion to read the uncensored version because it involves graphical details of physical relations and has not been edited.

Do you know that the images in this story have the face of real Priyanka! She had gladly provided these morphed images with her face on it.

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Note: Images here are used for illustration purpose only to express the women hidden inside us. No copyright violation intended. Images will be removed upon request.

Author: priyankaratni

I m normal straight CD.

27 thoughts on “A Birthday Gift”

  1. Welcome to the ICN writers club Priyanka. It was a nice story with an emotional touch towards the end. I always feel good after reading any brother-sister story. The fights between a brother and sister were realistic, and I could easily imagine such a thing happening.


    1. Thank u so much shruti di…yes I always saw a brother and sister fight…but they always have strong bonding.. and that’s why brother will always do anything for make her sister happy..
      Thank u again..

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Lovely story dear. Would have loved to read more sweet sister brother conversation. But overall a great start for the first time. You have a good grasp over the language.


    1. @aarohi ji, thanks for the complement…. will get some conversation like this.. also like to thanks Anupama ji for posting the story on ICN..


  3. Read the second part also…….better than the first……engrossing and the end creates a suspense……can not wait to read the third part…..but have to leave for office …….will read it in the evening…….luv, hugs and kisses……Kajal


  4. Read the third part also……..and really enjoyed the story……..a simple story told so well…….very entertaining……..every thing in the story seems possible…….excellent I must say……very well done……luv, hugs and kisses…..Kajal


  5. Fabulous. How I wish I had a sister like Neha didi. Luv the way in which you have brought out the vulnerability that all girls including us face in the real world.


    1. Devika when are we getting the balance parts of THANK YOU BHABHI and WOH DHAI SAAL……..luv,hugs and kisses…..Kajal


  6. Nice and well written story sister. You also looking great in pictures. Which app do you use for face change. I use faceart.


  7. This is my humble request to all the writers of icn, specially core members, please share anything related to crossdressing.
    What a silence !! No story,no article .


    1. I am thinking may be we non-members can start sharing some incidents that has occurred in our life in the comments
      It is true that not only some new post or story, we even come back to view a new comment, be it by anyone.
      Well, can’t force anyone as everyone has got there real lives too. This fantasy world can take over that real world.

      So, I believe we can come up with some ideas to enjoy in this wonderland of Alice

      Hope, I make sense. Anyone have any suggestion, please do share.



      1. अंजली दी, आपकी बात भी सही है कि इन दिनों हम सभी अपने व्यक्तिगत जीवन में इतना उलझ गए हैं कि समय का अभाव सा हो गया है।लेकिन हमको ये भी नहीं भूलना चाहिए कि ये icn एक ऐसा स्थान है जहां हम कुछ पल हंसी खुशी गुजारते हैं।ऐसे में हमको थोड़ा सा समय निकालना चाहिए।लेकिन आप ये न समझें कि ये कोई आदेश है।ये मेरा एक विनम्र निवेदन है।
        जैसे भूखे पेट भजन नहीं होते,वैसे ही जिंदगी जब जटिल हो जाती है तब ये किस्से कहानियों में मन नहीं लगता।


  8. I really liked it Priyanka. Very nicely written. Wish I had an elder sister like Neha di.
    Nad yes, the way Neha explains her wish to have her brother go out with her to some places… Very nice


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